Hay River's new electric vehicle charging stations are open for business.
On Tuesday, NT Energy and the GNWT announced the opening of the community's first level 3 electric vehicle (EV) fast chargers, located on Capital Drive, in front of the headquarters for the NWT Power Corporation (NTPC). There will be two level three chargers at the location, as well as two slower level two chargers, which will allow multiple vehicles to charge concurrently.
The chargers will follow a pricing model used in other jurisdictions: $6 per hour for level two charging, and $33 per hour for faster Level 3 charging. Fees will be billed in one-minute increments, and payments can be made by credit card or using the FLO mobile app.
“The installation of this level 3 EV Fast Charger supports the 2030 energy strategy’s goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles by 10 per cent per capita and aligns with one of the key mandate priorities of the 20th Assembly — to leverage federal funding to close the infrastructure gap through investments in green power generation, transmission, and transportation networks," GNWT Minister of Infrastructure Caroline Wawzonek stated. "By working with communities and electricity providers to expand EV infrastructure, we are taking meaningful steps toward a zero-emission vehicle corridor, contributing to a more sustainable future for the NWT, and making EV ownership a viable option for residents, businesses, and governments alike.”
NT Energy, the unregulated sister company of NTPC, is also working on installing chargers in Behchoko and Fort Smith, which are expected to open later this fall. The company also plans to bring a charging station to Buffalo Junction, set to open later this year or early in 2025.
“This is the initial level 3 charging station in the NWT outside of Yellowknife and helps signal to residents and visitors that use of electric vehicles is encouraged and access to charging infrastructure is advancing," NTPC president and CEO Cory Strang said of the Hay River chargers. "NT Energy will be completing construction of charging stations in Fort Smith and Behchoko later this fall, helping to make travel within our larger communities as well as to and from Alberta much more convenient for EV drivers.”
The first EV charging stations in the NWT were installed in Yellowknife by Naka Power in 2023. Naka Power, a partnership between Denendeh Investments Incorporated and Northland Utilities, also plans to bring chargers to Fort Providence and Enterprise.