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Montreal-based performing artists coming to Yellowknife

Two Montreal-based performers are on their way to Yellowknife soon. They're names: Janelle Lucyk and Kerry Bursey.
Kerry Bursey, left, and Janelle Lucyk have been working together since 2019. Photo courtesy of Janelle Lucyk

Two performers from a Montreal-based professional choir are on their way to Yellowknife later this month.

Janelle Lucyk and Kerry Bursey will be in concert at the Holy Trinity Anglican Church to perform The Nine Maidens on May 28. The concert begins at 7 p.m.

"We perform ancient music together," explained Lucyk, adding that they're both classically trained, but have moved into this specific stream. 

Lucyk said their concert will be a mix of ancient songs. Some exist because they've been written and made their way into manuscripts, while others have been passed down orally as popular folk songs.

"We've put them together into a program that we tour with," Lucyk said.

Bursey will be bringing some kind of plucked instrument too, though Lucyk said she doesn't know what it'll be at the time she spoke to NNSL Media. At the time, Bursey was touring in Japan.

"He has quite a few old instruments, some of them are more difficult for him to travel with," she said. 

As excited as Lucyk said she and Bursey are to see Yellowknife, it's only one stop on a much larger tour which has been organized by Ensemble ArtChoral.

"The mission of the project is to bring people together through singing," she said. "We're going to be doing a workshop with the choir there and we're also going to be giving a free workshop to anybody that wants to come.

That workshop is scheduled for the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre the day of the concert and is expected to last around one hour, stated the museum's website.

Although she hasn't been to Yellowknife before, Lucyk said her and Bursey and thrilled to come, especially when it comes to trying the local cuisine, something Lucyk is apparently looking forward to.

"It's been somewhere that I've always wanted to visit on my bucket list," said Lucyk. "We're very delighted to visit Yellowknife."

About the Author: Devon Tredinnick

Devon Tredinnick is a reporter for NNSL Media. Originally from Ottawa, he's also a recent journalism graduate from Carleton University.
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