Residents of Hay River are taking action against what they consider an out-of-control crime problem in the community — but the RCMP is cautioning them against taking matters into their own hands.
In a private "Neighbourhood Watch" Facebook group with more than 500 members, concerned citizens have been organizing to help curb problems like drug trafficking and public drug use in town.
The group's latest, and arguably biggest effort to date, saw approximately 100 people converge on the clearing behind a local restaurant to dismantle an encampment where people were believed to be using drugs like crack.
"The drug problem has gotten really bad since Covid started," said one member of the group, who asked not to be identified due to concerns for her safety. "No one wants to work. There is so much thieving happening in our town from empties being stolen from people’s yards, bikes, break-and-entering to homes, breaking into the car wash and trying to steal change from money box in the wash bay. Local businesses have been broken into constantly. The town is getting so sick and tired of it. We don’t feel safe to have our children out by themselves. It’s just disgusting and sad.
"On Sunday [July 21], we cleaned up the skid row behind the [restaurant] as a community. People were living in tents behind the [restaurant], it's nuts. There was a couch there and a tarp and the junkies would hang out there and smoke their crack.
"We cut it down with chainsaws and had a barbecue — good citizens and kids showed up to show their support. It was nice to see kids playing in the park space after."
Participants say that they discovered "lots of health hazards," including drug paraphernalia such as crack pipes at the location.
As for the people who had been spending time there, they are alleged to have "scattered off" when the community members showed up to clean up the area. Some are said to have settled elsewhere in town.
After dismantling the encampment behind the Boardroom, members of the Facebook group now aim to take more action to help curb the crime problem in town. They are also planning to hold a "town meeting one day soon."
The RCMP, however, is encouraging the group to refrain from "vigilantism of any sort."
"While we appreciate the general public’s increased awareness of societal issues in the community and the motivation to take actions to rectify them, we caution residents against this sort of behaviour," said RCMP spokesperson Const. Josh Seaward. "Removing anything from a property, including a town property, without the owner’s consent could give rise to legal issues. Further to this, entering or interacting with these sorts of 'encampments' can pose safety risks, including, but not limited to, conflicts with the occupants and exposure to drugs and paraphernalia such as needles.
"Instead of taking matters upon themselves, the public are encouraged to report all suspicious behaviour to police, with as much detail as possible. In the case of an unlawful encampment on town/community property, the municipality should be advised of it so they can proceed as they see fit, involving the police, if needed."