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Birthing services temporarily expanded at Inuvik Regional Hospital

Service will now be available until Dec. 14
Inuvik Regional Hospital has expanded its window of opportunity for regional birthing from Dec. 5 to Dec. 15 after finding some more staff to operate the obstetrics unit. NNSL file photo

Obstetric services in the Beaufort Delta are getting a 10-day extension after Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority (NTHSSA) managed to secure staff for the additional period.

Birthing services at Inuvik Regional Hospital (IRH) have been intermittent throughout the year due to a shortage of qualified nurses and other support staff to keep the unit open. The most recent freeze was from June 30 to Sept. 9 and previously from Jan. 11 to 13.

Services were initially expected to be restored from Nov. 4 to Dec. 5, but now NTHSSA says it has found staff to extend that restoration until Dec. 15.

"On Dec. 15, 2024, the NTHSSA will reinstate the temporary suspension of labour and delivery services at the IRH," reads the NTHSSA notice, dated Oct. 30. "At this time, this diversion of care is expected to continue through to at least Jan. 11, 2025.

"Patients who were planning to give birth in Inuvik and who are 36 weeks or more in their pregnancy during this time frame, will be contacted and advised to transfer their care to Stanton Territorial Hospital (STH) in Yellowknife. Pre-and-post natal assessments and care will continue at IRH.

"Anyone in Inuvik who is pregnant and requires assessment or who goes into labour during this time is asked to please present to the IRH emergency department for care. All impacted patients will be contacted as early as possible. If you are approaching your delivery date and you have not been contacted or need more information, please call Inuvik Primary Care at (867) 678-8041."