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Inuvik Drum News briefs: Dec 19

Local news around the Beaufort Delta
Students at East Three School's theatre are hard at work rehearsing 'A Charlie Brown Christmas' for the return of the annual Christmas Coffee House. The show is slated for Dec. 19 at 7 p.m. From left, Thomas Thrasher, Marlo Jenks, Taya Norris-Lamothe, Criseyde Adams, Aeryanna Reardon, Caitlyn Wright and Mackenzie Hicks. Handling lights and sound just off camera are Fred Trimble and Tessa Arey.

Christmas coffee house returns to East Three School

A holiday tradition is back with some added drama — East Three School's holiday Christmas Coffee house is set for a Dec. 19 return. The open mic concert will follow a presentation of A Charlie Brown Christmas by East Three's theatre and drama club. Email to sign up to sing. The show starts at 7 p.m.

Aklavik Ice road opens

The lone legal ice road between Inuvik and Aklavik has opened to light traffic. An announcement the road is open to vehicles up to 5,000 kilograms in weight was released by the Department of Infrastructure on Dec. 11. The Peel River crossing is open to vehicles up to 5,000 kg and the Mackenzie River ice crossing is open to vehicles up to 15,000 kg.

Fort McPherson mayor and DEA acclaimed

Fort McPherson has returned Mayor Rebecca Blake to office by acclamation after no other names were put forward for the job on Nov. 12. She will serve a two-year term. Blake is also among the acclaimed candidates for the Fort McPherson District Education Authority after extended nominations closed Nov. 19. She will serve a two-year term alongside Kristopher Collin, Sierra Daley, Jessica Francis, Kaylynn Koe and Deborah Peterson-Steen.

Wood pellets cheaper than diesel for heat, town finds

Biomass in the form of wood pellets is a cheaper option for heating in Inuvik than the conventionally used diesel fuel, an investigation by the town has concluded. The findings were mentioned in the Town of Inuvik's action items listed for its Dec. 9 committee of the whole meeting and confirmed by the mayor during that meeting.

"Arctic Petroleum's expenditure for 2023 is $51,415.15 for 21,000 litres of diesel, which equals 758 gigajoules of heat," reads the report. "To get 758 gigajoules of heat, we need about 40 tons of pallets, which costs $36,000.00."