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Ottawa provides loan for Cheetah to purchase high-tech ore sorter

Ottawa provides loan for Cheetah to purchase high-tech ore sorter

Cheetah Resources, the private company mining rare earths minerals at the Nechalacho project southeast of Yellowknife, is receiving a $1.26 million, interest-free loan from the federal government to purchase its high-tech ore sorter.
Legal action mounts against MLA Steve Norn

Legal action mounts against MLA Steve Norn

Legal counsel for Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh MLA Steve Norn has prepared its own case in response to complaint allegations he faces.
Biden’s freeze on lease sales in sacred caribou calving grounds melted by Louisiana judge

Biden’s freeze on lease sales in sacred caribou calving grounds melted by Louisiana judge

Trump-appointed judge grants injunction on executive order preventing lease sales on federal land
Former NWT teacher and sports coach charged with sexual assault and exploitation

Former NWT teacher and sports coach charged with sexual assault and exploitation

Police have charged a former NWT coach and teacher with sexual assault and exploitation.
24 year-old sentenced for assault on Fort Providence officers

24 year-old sentenced for assault on Fort Providence officers

For assaulting two peace officers in Fort Providence, Richard Lesage was sentenced to spend four months in jail.
Cigarette butt likely led to $400K house fire: marshal

Cigarette butt likely led to $400K house fire: marshal

NWT fire marshal Chucker Dewar is reminding residents of appropriate cigarette disposal methods after an improperly extinguished cigarette was found to be the cause of the June 10 fire at 1 Glick Ct.
Healthcare and infrastructure on Northern agenda at Western Premiers Conference

Healthcare and infrastructure on Northern agenda at Western Premiers Conference

Nunavut Premier seeks to make clear the massive infrastructure gaps compared to other provinces
Hay Days Festival comes ‘unwound’ for this year

Hay Days Festival comes ‘unwound’ for this year

As announced in March, the Hay Days Festival will be returning this year after missing 2020 because of Covid-19.
Betsina to run for 4th term in N’dilo

Betsina to run for 4th term in N’dilo

The community of N’dilo will go to the polls Aug. 23 to cast votes for Chief and one council position.
YK businesses roll out $20,000 cash prize, dining and service treats to encourage vaccinations

YK businesses roll out $20,000 cash prize, dining and service treats to encourage vaccinations

The Yellowknife Chamber of Commerce is stepping up to encourage vaccinations and $20,000 is on offer in the Crush Covid Yellowknife Draw.