The City of Yellowknife has sent out a reminder to residents that nominations for candidates for the 2022 Municipal Election open will be opening on Tuesday, September 6.
Two weeks following this, nominations will close on September 19, 2022 at 3:00 p.m.
Eight councillor and one Mayor position are available.
”Serving on City Council can be a rewarding experience,” reads the notice. “A diverse range of voices from throughout our community are needed to create innovate solutions to the challenges Council and Yellowknifers face and plan for our community’s future.”
According to the City, to run for Council one must:
- Be a Canadian Citizen;
- Be at least 18 years of age;
- You have, for at least twelve consecutive months immediately preceding the day nominations close, been ordinarily resident in the electoral district;
- You are not disqualified by sections 18, 19 and 20 of the Local Authorities Elections Act; and
- Not be impacted by a factor that would make a candidate ineligible (the full list can be found here:
Regarding Section 20 of the Local Authorities Elections Act ( as it directly relates to the being elected as a mayor and councillor), it states that:
“A person is not eligible to be nominated or to stand as a candidate for mayor or councillor, if he or she is an assessor or auditor of the municipal corporation;”
“is personally indebted to the municipal corporation for a sum exceeding $500 for more than 90 days;”
“has a controlling interest in a private or public corporation that is indebted to the municipal corporation for a sum exceeding $500 for more than 90 days,”
“has not paid all municipal taxes before December 31 of the year in which the taxes were levied.”
The City, on this note, states that “it is the responsibility of each candidate to verify their eligibility to be nominated.”
Other important information for prospective candidates can be found on the City’s website at: