The Gahcho Kué mine site is experiencing an outbreak of Covid-19, according to the territory’s chief public health officer.
The Office of the Chief Public Health Officer (OCPHO) announced the outbreak at the diamond mine about 280 km northeast of Yellowknife on Dec. 27. The annoucnement of the outbreak means the virus is circulating locally onsite. It was not immediately clear which strain of the virus was responsible for the outbreak.
The OCPHO said all workers onsite are fully vaccinated, and there is not believed to be any risk to the broader public. However, anyone who left the site on or after Dec. 22 is advised to isolate and arrange to be tested.
De Beers spokesperson Terry Kruger confirmed there were four confirmed cases on site, and that all those who tested positive, as well as eight close contacts, had been put in quarantine. Everyone else on site tested negative for the virus.
“Three of the four individuals are experiencing mild cold-like symptoms and all are doing well otherwise,” said Kruger.
“We continue to be on high alert and have taken additional actions, an example of which is closing on-site recreation facilities, to minimize interaction between employees.”