Northwest Territories RCMP are asking people returning to Yellowknife to mind their speedometers.
A warning was released by RCMP at 8 a.m. this Sept. 8 morning saying police have seen an uptick in vehicles exceeding the speed limit, up to 50 kilometres an hour.
“We understand that people are eager to return home, but the speed limit is in place for a reason,” said Hay River RCMP Cpl. Sheldon Preston. “Crews are already putting themselves in danger every day to fight these fires without having to deal with dangerous drivers.
“Those who choose to jeopardize the safety of everyone on the highway, including themselves, should expect to be ticketed.”
The notice adds speeders not only put wildfire crews working on highways at risk, there is also the risk of debris on the highway like fallen trees as a result of the wildfires.
Police say they’ve already issued 10 speeding tickets in the past two days.