The organizer of The Time is Now peaceful rally is concerned she may not have the financial resources to proceed with the event on April 3.
To raise some last-minute funds, organizer Shar Whillans is auctioning off several handcrafted items on the rally’s Facebook page. She estimates the group will need $1,500 for the rally to go ahead.
SEE: The Time is Now Peaceful Rally 2022 Facebook Auction
Having coordinated this event from her home in Manning, Alta, Whillans said she’s unable to come up with enough money to transport herself and some performers to Yellowknife this weekend.
“Gas expenses are our biggest concern. We work on donations. We’ve been able to make the two previous rallies due to donations,” said Whillans, who has applied for funding through her First Nation and local grants.
The rally is part of the program at YAC FEST 2022. It’s designed to raise awareness of Indigenous issues through storytelling, dance, and song.
SEE: ‘The Time Is Now’ rally to highlight Indigenous issues and art on April 3 in Yellowknife
“We either have to ask for help or just postpone to another time and do more personal fundraising,” said Whillans, who is praying the rally goes ahead, despite the obstacles. “It will help raise awareness to our issues, and what it means to us, to heal and sing for our nations.”