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Northern wildflower: Reclaim

I have tried to set up camp across the lake
Yellowknife overlooking Great Slave Lake. Somewhere to settle, between urban and wild. Photo submitted

I have tried to set up camp across the lake

To live again like my ancestors did in the olden days

Yet I’m afraid I might not have what it takes

I feel like a visitor on my own land, a fake

A distant traveller with a sleepy inherited knowledge slipping through my hands

Soon after I set up camp it collapses

Banned by my own band on “Indian land”

And still the money man tries to charge me taxes

I broke trail until the snow was up to my thighs

Tears caused the mascara to run heavy down my eyes

My feet were frozen, and I became afraid

This was not how I was meant to die

I needed to march on, I needed to be brave

Yet through my cries, I never felt more alive.

Then the money man said, “don’t panic” and offered me a trade.

I am a domesticated creature of colonized habit

I don’t know how to wield an axe or snare rabbits

I am settling in somewhere between urban and wild

I will not become the money man’s disobedient child

Today I am looking for a new home

Somewhere past the reservation zone

I will not settle on the money man just because he thinks he knows how to help me survive

I will build a place of my own, in time

I will know when I’m home again when I feel reclaimed and alive

Whether it be in the form of a mansion or a shack

I will stake my heart on the land and never turn back
