A man originally from Fort Good Hope who became critically ill with Covid-19 has come out of a coma and has experienced significant improvements since Saturday.
"He's awake. He's alert. He's aware that his father and I are in the room with him," his mom Dolly "Dee" Pierrot said Monday.
Her son Myrine Kakfwi was diagnosed with Covid-19 in December and put in the intensive care unit at the University of Alberta hospital in Edmonton.
Following his hospitalization, the 30-year-old Myrine contracted double pneumonia and his right lung collapsed. After some initial easing of his symptoms, when he was able to Facetime with his family from his hospital bed, his condition deteriorated. He was put into an induced coma and on life support and had developed three lung infections.

But Pierrot said that Myrine is now off all of his sedation and his antibiotic treatment was reduced from four medications to two.
"They did a chest X-ray (on Sunday) and the doctor was quite pleased with the results. He's writing down things on a white board with a marker. He can't speak because he has a tube in his throat.
"He wrote (on the white board) 'the X-ray guy said thumbs up.'"
Pierrot added that on Sunday Myrine was able to stand up and sit down, and his ventilator output was reduced from providing him with 45 per cent oxygen to 35 per cent.
"He's doing most of the work breathing by himself," Pierrot said.

Doctors have told Pierrot and Myrine's father Wayne that even though the Covid-19 infection has left his body, it will take some time until he can leave the hospital due to the hole in his right lung that needs to be repaired.
"They can't tell us what else they can do because they don't know yet."
His mother stressed that Myrine's experiences since his diagnosis shows the seriousness of Covid-19.
"I just encourage everyone to get that vaccine because we're so isolated in the small communities. There are no ventilators in the communities."
Myrine moved from Fort Good Hope to Edmonton about two-and-a half years ago with plans to pursue carpentry at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology. He had been doing carpenter apprentice work until his Covid-19 diagnosis.