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Caroline Wawzonek plans to run for Yellowknife South

Photo courtesy of Dragon Toner Law Office. Caroline Wawzonek, a Yellowknife lawyer, is planning to run as MLA for Yellowknife South in the upcoming election.
Caroline Wawzonek, a Yellowknife lawyer, is planning to run as MLA for Yellowknife South in the upcoming election. photo courtesy of Dragon Toner Law Office

Yellowknife lawyer Caroline Wawzonek will be running in the Yellowknife South riding in October's territorial election.

“The rumor is indeed true." stated Wawzonek in an email last week.

"I am very excited at the prospect of candidacy for YK south.”

The seat has been held by Premier Bob McLeod for the past three terms. It's uncertain whether he plans to seek re-election.

Wawzonek is part of the legal team at Dragon Toner Law Office and has lived in Yellowknife since 2007.

She is a member of the Law Society of the Northwest Territories and sits on the board of directors for the NWT Chamber of Commerce.