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Northern Staycation offers a summer filled with memories

Salt Plains, Wood Buffalo National Park
Salt Plains, Wood Buffalo National Park

Salt Plains, Wood Buffalo National Park (Photo by Hannah Eden / NWTT)

There’s no place like home, especially if your home is the NWT. From the mysterious labyrinthine channels of the Mackenzie Delta, to the salty plains and buffalo range of Wood Buffalo National Park, the wonders around us are spectacular and – here’s the good news – accessible to Northerners. For many of us, this will be the one summer we are not able to travel South to visit either family or friends. But, if we explore the wonders of our endless territory, we will create memories that last a lifetime.

By creating those memories, you also support our Northern tour operators hit so hard by the travel restrictions of the COVID-19 epidemic. To help, NNSL Media in partnership with Northwest Territories Tourism introduces a Northern Staycation webpage – a local adventure guide created to connect Northerners to world-class tours offered by Northern tour operators at homegrown prices. Remember all the money you saved not flying south? Let’s keep those dollars at home and explore the Spectacular NWT. 

So visit and Follow Northern Staycation on Facebook (@northernstaycation) and Instagram (@northernstaycation) to see a variety of options for tours and packages from our NWT tour operators.

Salt Plains, Wood Buffalo National Park
Salt Plains, Wood Buffalo National Park