There are 52 new cases of COVID-19 in the NWT and a total of 129 active cases, chief public health officer (CPHO) Dr. Kami Kandola stated in a news release Aug. 18.
There have been fewer than five hospitalizations and the initial cases in this outbreak are the Delta variant.
Nineteen of the cases are in Yellowknife and 108 of the cases are in the Sahtu region, where containment orders are in place in Fort Good Hope and Colville Lake.
Under the order, anyone not fully vaccinated and who was in those communities between Aug. 5 and Aug. 15 must isolate for 10 days starting Aug. 18 and contact the health centre to arrange for COVID-19 testing.
Fully-vaccinated residents must self-monitor for 10 days and at the first sign of COVID-19 symptoms contact the health centre to arrange testing.
That order also applies to anyone vaccinated or unvaccinated who attended the handgames event between Aug. 5 and 9 in Fort Good Hope but who resides in another community.
In Norman Wells, where the CPHO declared an outbreak at the Sahtú Dene Nechá Ko ̨́ Long Term Care Facility on Aug. 18, it is recommended that residents stick to limited friendship circles and avoid indoor gatherings to prevent the spread of the virus.
RELATED REPORTING: Outbreak declared at long-term care facility in Norman Wells
Kandola also recommends residents work from home, if possible, receive takeout or hold outdoor picnics rather than dine indoors, wear a mask when not with household members or in indoor spaces and connect with family and friends virtually.
Also in Norman Wells, the Legion is now listed as an exposure location. People who were there on Aug. 13 between 9 p.m. and 11 p.m. and on Aug. 14 between 7 p.m. and 2 a.m. must isolate for 10 days and arrange for testing.
For fully-vaccinated people who were at the Norman Wells Mud Bog Event on Aug. 14 between 8 a.m. and noon, they must self-monitor. For unvaccinated or partially-vaccinated attendees, they must isolate for 10 days and arrange for testing.
In Deline, people who were at the Whiskey Jack Camp Lunch on Aug. 11 must self-monitor if they’re fully vaccinated, and isolate for 10 days and seek testing if unvaccinated.
The GNWT’s COVID-19 Dashboard shows that 75.7 per cent of all cases since Jan. 1, 2021 have been in unvaccinated individuals, 19.9 per cent in people who are fully immunized and 4.42 per cent in people who are partially vaccinated.