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The great outdoors bears many treasures, if you're looking

The great outdoors bears many treasures, if you're looking

This tale is called the prospector’s lament. Two newcomers to the north, who thought they might want to go prospecting, sat down with a grizzly old timer, in a bar, possibly the Gold Range bar.
Strong public services and union solidarity are key to addressing the affordability crisis

Strong public services and union solidarity are key to addressing the affordability crisis

As workers across Canada continue to struggle to make ends meet, we need to put their families first by supporting strong, stable public services when they need them most.
Accepting uncertainty in sustainable fisheries is essential in a rapidly changing Arctic

Accepting uncertainty in sustainable fisheries is essential in a rapidly changing Arctic

Medical travel is being reviewed

Medical travel is being reviewed

Medical travel is sure useful when we need it, eh? Nobody says it’s perfect, but man it’s a relief when we’re sent out for services that are not available in our home community, whether we live in a smaller place or in Yellowknife.
More than a flash and boom show

More than a flash and boom show

The wind and the rain. The thunder and the lightning. They show that we have an active atmosphere and that’s a good thing because without it we wouldn’t be alive.
Inflated by excellent customer service

Inflated by excellent customer service

From Charles Criss, Eagle River, Alaska I reside in Alaska and visited the Northwest Territories in late May. After losing air pressure in a tire on my Jeep, I stopped at Kal Tire in Hay River and spoke with Eddie Lepine.
Solving Yellowknife's homelessness problem can't be done in isolation

Solving Yellowknife's homelessness problem can't be done in isolation

The city held a well-attended public meeting on homelessness recently. It was a gathering at the Tree of Peace that attracted well over 50 people from all walks of life.
Things that go boom in the night, or during the day

Things that go boom in the night, or during the day

I was scanning the news a few days ago when a headline piqued my curiosity. It said, “Police chief says houses don’t just blow up.
Don’t let carelessness cause the next wildfire

Don’t let carelessness cause the next wildfire

We must be vigilant to prevent wildfires
We should rethink the way we use water

We should rethink the way we use water

As a prospector, I’ve worked all over Northern Canada. When out in the field, if I needed any water to drink, cook or wash with, I just went to the nearest lake, stream or river and got a bucket of the stuff.